Before you apply to foster, please read this in its entirety. While rewarding, fostering can be frustrating, heartbreaking, and challenging; it is a BIG commitment and a lot of work. Once you have read below, if fostering sounds like your thing, apply here:

Please know what fostering really is before applying. There are many rewards but it is A LOT of work and a HUGE sacrifice.
One of the worst things a person can do to a rescue is ask us to help a dog, offer to foster that dog, and then not live up to their end of the bargain. If you decide you can no longer foster one of our dogs, please understand we do not have back-up fosters, and we will need your help finding a new foster - network the dog saying you need help finding a new foster, ask friends, family, coworkers. If no one can be found, you may be responsible for boarding until we can work as a team to find a suitable replacememnt foster for you. We cannot be left to scramble and find a replacement without your help.
If you found a dog and asked us to back you, or if you met a dog at the shelter and asked us to pull the dog for you as our foster, that dog is your foster responsibility until and even after adopted. We are the rescue backing you, but the dog is in our rescue because of your request; therefore you are just as responsible for the care and fostering and rehoming of that dog as we are -- our fosters play an integral role every step of the way. If you can no longer foster the dog you asked us to help you with, regardless of the emergency (we don't give up our own dogs when we have emergencies), you are responsible for finding a replacement or another rescue. If you cannot find a replacement foster but you do find a rescue, you are responsible for reimbursing Cause for the vetting we spent on that dog. If we approve of the rescue, we will give you a rescue to rescue transfer form to complete with the new rescue and return to us. You will be barred from fostering/volunteering with us again.
Basic Foster Responsibilites, Standards & Expectations:
- Fosters must be vigilant in the health and safety of animals. Use common sense and judgment and treat foster animals as your own pets/children.
- Animals are never to be left in hot cars and must always be supervised while around other animals, people, children, etc. When dogs must be transported, keep them in a crate or secured by a harness (not collar). Leave windows rolled up with child locks on.
- Our rescue does not have a facility; we rely on fosters to foster until adopted, no matter how long that takes, through "thick and thin." If you can "temp" foster, you need to look for an out-of-area organization that looks for temp fosters until transport. Temp fostering only leaves us scrambling for a new foster when time is up.
- Rescued dogs can be a joy; others are not easy. Some have behavior issues. Your dog may not like the foster dog or vice versa. Your foster dog most likely has worms, fleas, ticks, etc. that we treat, but be ready to pick off a few ticks and see a few worms even after treatment.
- Make sure your own dogs are fully protected and up to date on vaccines, deworming, and flea/tick treatments; we cannot afford to treat your personal dogs if and when they catch something from your foster dog.
- Your foster dog may have lived in the streets or a backyard all of his/her life - he or she needs you teach him house manners in a positive way. And it is a lot of work. Help by seeking the advice of trainers, researching dog behaviors and positive ways to correct unwanted behaviors. (Note - serious behavior issues such as actual aggression toward dogs and humans will be handled by a certified trainer.)
- Foster babies may have anxiety and chew couches, walls, shoes...we all have nice things ruined in our crusade to help the neediest of the needy. Expect it, and understand we cannot reimburse you for these things; it comes with the territory.
- STAY POSITIVE. Please understand we all foster and are all dealing with the same stress, on top of running the rescue. We also work full time and do rescue voluntarily, on the side. Complaining to us and/or others adds to the stress of rescue. Remain positive; if you need help or advice, frame your concerns in a way that helps us resolve issues you may be experiencing. There is NO time for negativity in rescue.
- If you are going on vacation, realize we all foster as well and usually cannot take on your fosters. Arrange for a safe, reliable friend or family member to babysit. Or boarding. Keep us in the loop. If you cannot find anyone and need help, let us know and we can post for babysitting help.
- Take pictures regularly and share them on social media. Pictures and cute stories posted on social media help the dogs get adopted, so we need you to actively network your foster dog throughout the foster experience. Please also actively pursue potential (suitable) adopters and refer them to the application on our website.
- Food, vetting and basic necessary supplies are covered or loaned to you. Supplies can be picked up at weekend adoption events or reimbursed through Paypal. We cannot keep track of what you need, so please stay in touch through text, email or PM, and let us know.
- Adoptions can happen in one week; but it usually takes much longer. You are committing to this dog until a suitable home is found, no matter how long this takes.
- Foster parents must take fosters to a CFSBP-approved vet for spay, neuter, vaccinations, in case of sickness, etc. If you take a foster dog to your own vet without pre-approval, we cannot cover the full cost of the vetting. If there is a life or death emergency and we cannot be reached, our emergency vet is Animal Emergency Clinic in Grand Terrace (909) 825-9350, 22085 Commerce Way. You may take your foster there in a case of emergency and explain you are fostering for Cause for SB Paws.
- Foster parents bring fosters to CFSBP adoption events to ensure full exposure to potential adopters unless the animal is sick or underage. If you cannot get to an event, please make arrangements for someone else to get the animal there and keep us in the loop. Please check our FB page or email cause4sbpaws@gmail.com about event dates and times. We will not be able to notify you individually so please check in with us.
- If you notice signs of illness, email us, text us or PM us.
- When outside, dogs need to be enclosed in a fenced-in gate and be leashed at all times when not in an enclosed area. Do not keep dogs outside in the cold or heat. Dogs should sleep crated, inside.
- Keep kittens and cats away from new foster dogs.
- Children must be well trained. Teach them how to approach animals - they are never to grab at the animal’s food, treats, ears, tail, and they are never to "ride" the animal, crawl on the animal, rough house with the animal, no fingers in crates, no grabbing food bowls while dogs are eating, etc.